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6 Cloud Technology Benefits for Midsize Businesses

Carlos F Corvera | 16 May, 2022 | Modern Workplace

Midsize businesses are in a very competitive space. The utilisation of cloud technology enables midsize organisations to compete and invest in cloud technology that helps them effectively surpass their direct competition and relatively catch up to their enterprise counterparts.

The cloud has matured, and midsize businesses are shifting their workloads into the cloud. This shift has accelerated their productivity, agility, scalability, opportunities, and impacted the way they do business.

Technology Challenges Faced by Midsize Businesses

  1. Capacity planning – midsize businesses need to plan how to scale their business operations using cloud technology effectively and within budget to meet their demands now and into the future.
  1. Evolution of technology – the rapid development of technology in AI, machine learning and automation means midsize businesses do not have the internal computing power, IT specialists and vast budgets to invest in these technologies as enterprise businesses can.

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  1. Data compliance – globally, organisations have embarked on digital transformation initiatives to modernise their operations. It has brought unique challenges. Governments and industries have met this challenge by creating sensitive data compliance frameworks. It has led midsize businesses to find solutions to become compliant in the storage and management of sensitive data.
  1. Technology reliance – technology is the backbone of operations and requires availability with almost zero downtime. Downtime to a midsize business can mean reputational damage and reduced profitability.
  1. Business continuity – midsize businesses require secure, effective, and efficient backup & restore solutions to recover from unforeseen events.
  1. Cyber security protection – midsize businesses acknowledge they can no longer risk the operation of old unsecured technology. The majority do not have a dedicated cyber security professional monitoring their on-premises infrastructure to mitigate cyber risk.

Essentials for midsize businesses

Management of technology cloud applications that are easier to manage are updated regularly, and software vulnerabilities are identified and quickly fixed automatically.

Secure collaboration and communication – the midsize business workforce is in the office, at home and on the road.

They require the deployment of applications securely installed on personal and company-owned devices to enable secure and effective communication and data loss prevention.

Infrastructure reduce on-premises infrastructure and complexity. 

Technology that scales – Midsize businesses face pressure & disruption from small businesses and enterprise businesses.


They require flexibility to pivot their business quickly to meet market challenges.

Operational monitoring – midsize businesses require a way to monitor infrastructure & prevent downtime to business-critical applications.

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Why invest in Cloud Technology

Enterprise infrastructure – tap into enterprise cloud infrastructure and application solutions at an affordable price.

Scalability – the cloud allows the ability to quickly increase or reduce cloud technology resources as objectives and demands change.

Redundancy and security – cloud providers like Microsoft store your data in various data centres within the country and have their backup & redundant protocols.

Operational cost – cloud platforms reduce operation costs because midsize businesses don’t incur traditional software licenses, electricity, cooling, maintenance, and life cycle of hardware costs.

Collaborate Anywhere – cloud applications and storage are accessible from any device, anywhere there is an internet connection. It provides an effective and efficient solution to an ever-changing displaced workforce.

Cyber security – to increase cyber security on cloud platforms, use add-ons that utilise AI and machine learning to scan for threats, manage employee company identities and identify threats.

Continue to evolve your business capabilities with cloud technology today!

Ready to invest in a cloud solution that will help you grow your midsize business into the future?

We love to help, have a chat with us today and find out how we can help your midsize business.

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